Monday, June 05, 2006

I coudn't resist sharing this one with you.

A fairy appeared before an old married couple and said, "You've been married for 35 years and lived an examplary life. Because of that I am going to grant you two wishes. One each."

The wife, quick as a flash and being the wonderful wife that she was wished for two tickets for a round the world trip for her and her beloved husband. The fairy waved her magic wand and two first class tickets appeared.

The husband when his turn came around, thought momentarily and then said, "Because this is so special and fairies only turn up once in a lifetime, I'm sorry darling but my wish is that I want a wife that is thirty years younger than me."

The wife of course became very sad and a good bit angry, but a wish is a wish.

The fairy waved her magic wand again and the husband turned into a ninety year old ditherer!

The moral of course is:
Men will always be men. But remember fairies are always women.

Hope you can get a few free drinks out of that one.
I'm back.

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